Longest Day
In our part of the world, the longest day is tomorrow. In my book, that makes it acceptable for me to disturb our Mistress’s sleep any time during the hours of daylight. Where we live the sunrise is at 4.30 in the morning and the sunset is 21.40 at night. That means I have just under seven hours when I don’t think disturbing her should be regarded as ok. I got it wrong yesterday and wanted to get up at 4am. She was not best pleased!
I have no plans to be celebrating the solstice tomorrow, although I may trot outside to look at the sunrise. The Solstice itself is mid-morning and I’m not actually sure what I’m supposed to do.
The humans round here are all having a midsummer party on Saturday, but for reasons that I find utterly inexplicable I have not been invited. I’m sure there are things at our village fun day which I could have taken part in. There’s a Duck Race and I could have gone into the pond to offer encouragement. I’d really like to try to the Soap Box Challenge but I can’t get a helmet to fit me for the drive. Inevitably I’d volunteer to help on the Hog Roast if they’d let me, or the cake stall. However, every one of my offers has been turned down. I think that’s rather a shame. We did have a fun dog show as part of it one year, but we aren’t even doing that this time. It’s dogist, but then I should expect that by now.
Shadow is very excited. In a few weeks she is going to have her own weekly swimming session. She will have the slot right before mine, so we’ll go together each week. Maybe her enthusiasm will rub off on me. Shadow absolutely loves going swimming so will be bouncing with exciting for the next few weeks until she starts. She’s already asked for a monogrammed towel, but our Mistress says that as she’s already got a dressing gown with her name on, she will have to make do with that.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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