I know I promised you an interview with Chloe the Assistance Dog and I haven’t forgotten. It’s just that Chloe has been in hospital so hasn’t been able to come back to us yet. When I say she has been in hospital, it’s actually her human who has needed medical treatment and that means that Chloe has needed to be right there by her side. We send get well wishes to her and really hope that she’ll be back on her feet soon.
Oh things are not going well here. Now Alfie’s little car is poorly too. Mum is just really hoping that it keeps going long enough for her to get her car back from the garage or we’re all in trouble. She is getting really fed up with it all. Only being able to take one of us anywhere at a time is bad enough.
My Nephew
Oh you’d think I was a wayward dog if you heard Mum discussing strategies for managing one of my nephews. Ok so we’re both too bright for our own good and are a bit demanding of attention. Yes, I do only stay in my crate when I choose to and can let myself out at any other time. To be fair, Mum does sometimes have to be strict with me when I think everything is about me. And of course it isn’t entirely normal to be able to jump over things as high as I can, or stand up on two legs for hugs. Although to be fair, Aristotle does that last one as well. Anyway, it turns out my nephew Ralph is very like me in lots of ways and presents a bit of a challenge. Can you believe that? Me a challenge. Pah! I’m perfect.
Anyway, Mum is now passing on the tips of what she does with me. I’m affronted. I’m just your average dog. I just think for myself rather more than most of the other four-leggeds I know.
I’m off to think up some new strategies to outwit her.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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