What a day
What a day it was yesterday. I didn’t get to stay for the whole fun day as our Mistress always worries I’m going to overdo it. It was great fun while I was there though. I had a lovely run and had a big smile on my face.
The girls had fun too. Our Mistress loaned them out to people who hadn’t got a dog with them so they could take part in everything even though she was busy organising things. Shadow won two prizes, but Wilma didn’t win anything. It was ok though as Shadow agreed to share her prizes with all of us and was just happy being told she’d been the best at some things.
Alfie’s Girlfriend
Afterwards we all stayed out of the way so that Alfie could have a little time with his girlfriend, Bella. He hasn’t seen her for about three years, but gave her a lovely greeting.
There was a lot of nuzzling and sniffing and then he followed her around for a few minutes. He didn’t cope with being outside for very long but he said he wouldn’t mind if she could go inside with him. She had to go home, so he just cried a lot instead. I think he’d had a lovely, though short, time with her.
Lie in
Our Mistress has asked if we could all let her have a bit of a lie in this morning as she’s worn out. Like that’s going to happen with four dogs! She was rather hoping the girls might have tired themselves out yesterday, but Wilma’s always ready for action. I’m happy to go with the flow and won’t mind at all as long as she’ll let me get into bed with her. I’ll stay there all day with her if she’ll let me.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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