Swiss Chalet – Tuesday 5th June 2018

Swiss Chalet

Well if I cannot be in Switzerland I can at least make our summerhouse look like a Swiss Chalet. It’s more Mum’s summerhouse to be fair, but she’s had to help me make it look nice. We haven’t got red begonias like my sister Tosca has. Instead we’ve got flowers that are blue and purple. I know they still have to do some growing, bit I rather like them anyway.


Where our house is in Switzerland they grown quite a lot of cherries. I’m delighted to say that we’re doing that too. If you were reading last year you might remember our surveillance operation to find out who was stripping our cherry tree bare. It turned out to be the pigeons, so Mum bought a model of a falcon which sits on the corner of the summerhouse. It’s worked. Not only have they not taken the leaves off this year, but the tree is covered in fruit. Mum is quite excited as she really rather likes cherries.


Alfie is going in for his operation this morning. Given he has become a one dog eating machine, you can imagine how happy he has been not to be allowed breakfast. Mum has said he can have as much as he likes later, but I don’t think she means that literally. He’d eat everything in the cupboard without a moment’s pause. I know I’m no better, so I ought to be more sympathetic. It’s going to be a quiet but anxious morning waiting for news.

Ari is going swimming while we wait. He’s having Alfie’s slot and has promised to work really hard, as he’s put on some weight and doesn’t fancy dieting. What is it with us dogs and food? Ari says it’s so much harder now he’s reached middle age. Mum says he needs to eat less. It may not surprise you to hear he does not agree!

Love Wilma

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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  1. Hi Wilma, please send our love to Alfie and tell him we are thinking of him. We hope all goes well. I know what you mean about a dog being starved. Dilys has to go for blood tests this morning and is not allowed to eat. She has been up since 4.30am looking for food. We need ear plugs!!!! As we go to the Vet where we used to live Mum will have to leave at 7.15 as it takes 45 mins to get there. Dad will be walking me this morning, we will be going to the woods, hurrah. Love from us all Dickens XXXXXXX

    • Oh dear Dickens, it’s hard isn’t it. I need earplugs. Mum just wants to go back to bed. Usually she puts Alfie in her car as he does settle there, but the car is being fixed so she can’t even do that.
      I’ll miss him while he’s not here though.

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