Missing Out – Sunday 3rd June 2018

Missing out

I’m missing out and I don’t like it. Yesterday we went to the start of a Swiss Club hike, but then I had to get back in the car to start the journey home. Oh I made so much noise when I got there. I was so excited to see so many of my breed all there ready to enjoy themselves and I just wanted to get involved. I had to say goodbye to Dad too which was hard. He was going on the walk, but was going to keep my sister Valeria company instead of me. I felt a bit jealous of her for that. I know my job is to look after Mum, but there are some days I’d just like to hang out with my friends and forget the whole duty thing.


Friday night we went for a lovely walk around the roads from our house. Mum and I are going to really miss being in Switzerland. At the top of our road in the village there is a farm that seems to have like a bar in a shed at the back. It’s only open on a Friday and Saturday evening. Mum said we should go, but I think they were a bit worried that with their limited German they would be a bit out of place and the local people might just go quiet and look at them. I offered to do the talking, but that apparently might not have been helpful.

A long drive

I was glad to get ou of the car at the end of the journey yesterday. Thankfully the traffic wasn’t too bad so it wasn’t a hard journey, although there was one traffic jam. Mum made me listen to an audio book. It wasn’t too bad. At least it wasn’t a self-improvement book. You know the sort of thing ‘How to be a better dog’ – I really don’t need to listen to things like that on a long journey. We felt very sad when we got to our hotel for the night. In the end Mum said would I like to go for a walk to cheer us up, which we did, but the hotel is not in the best area for walking so I don’t know that it actually worked.

Love Wilma

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