Not Mum’s Day – Thursday 31st May 2018

Not Mum’s Day

Carvings along our walk

Well yesterday was not Mum’s day really. Thankfully it was mostly little things, but there seemed to be a lot of them. Firstly when she poured a bucket of dirty water down the sink downstairs, it turned out that the pipes weren’t connected properly and it went everywhere. It’s me who should be most upset as it got my biscuit box wet too. I’m just hoping the biscuits are going to be ok. Anyway, I was responsible for the next one as I did a very large poo and to put it politely caused some difficulty in clearing up. Three poo bags and a stream of water later and everything was sorted, but it seemed to sum up how things were going. Then there was the bus!

Bus Ride

On the bus

Now this was my first every bus ride. Usually Mum doesn’t go on buses because then tend to start her vertigo, but as the walk was only four stops up the road she thought it would be ok. I thought it was all a bit odd and was only just getting used to it when it was time to get off. That was when the problems started. Mum was a little unsteady and she didn’t see there was a step. She did see the step once she was lying on the floor looking at it from a different angle! She made her bad ankle worse and wounded her pride, but she still limped down the mountain with me.

That was when we met the next problem – the muck spreader. We could either wait for ages until he finished and went or be splattered from head to toe with muck. Disappointingly Mum chose to wait. It was a glorious smell though.

I’m not sure how keen Mum is to do the bus again, but the walk was great and we’ll certainly do that again sometime. We want to do the other side of the loop too and walk through the forests. I’m going to miss all this when we go home.

Love Wilma

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

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