Text from the dog
Sometimes our Mistress laughs about some of the things she sees posted on the interet as being texts from the dog. We all had a big of a laugh working out what text conversations we would have with our Mistress. Our conclusions said a lot about our different personalities.
‘There’s someone outside’
‘At our house?’
‘No, just outside, but they might come to our house’
‘Tell me if they come to the door’
‘They are coming to the door’
‘Where are they exactly?’
‘Oh, my mistake the car went straight past’
‘You only need to say something if there’s someone actually here’
‘They’re here now. Really they are’
‘At the door?’
‘Well they might be. I can’t see. I’ve just fallen off the chair’
‘Which chair? Where are you?’
‘Got to go now. There’s someone at the door’
‘Hey, what?’
‘Just hey’
‘Ok, what have you been eating?’
‘Nothing, man’
‘Chill, everything’s cool’
‘What’s going on?’
‘I love you’
‘I love you too, Aristotle but what have you done?’
‘Where are you?’
‘I’ve gone out’
‘You’ve been ages’
‘I only went five minutes ago’
‘I miss you’
‘I’ll be home soon’
‘I never want you to leave me again… not ever’
‘I’m hungry’
‘You’ve only just eaten’
‘You had breakfast half an hour ago’
‘Does that mean I can have lunch now?’
‘No, Alfie it doesn’t’
‘A snack?’
‘There’s some steak on the side. Can I have that?’
‘No, Alfie, that’s my tea’
‘I might have accidentally nibbled the corner’
‘Alfie, how much have you eaten?’
‘There is still a mark on the plate where it was’
If I’m being honest, these days I can’t get up to things on the side, but it’s not for want of trying. Now, the table is a different matter. I can still get to that and I can always ask Ari to pass things to me.
Anyway, have a great Tuesday. I’m off for a swim
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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