Snuffle Mat
Shadow has a snuffle mat. She has been given it as a special present to cheer her up this week as she’s going to need it. Shadow’s two favourite humans in the whole world are Dad and James. James was her original human, but he moved out a few years ago. However he’s been living back at home for the last eight or nine months and Shadow has loved it. She is feeling very sad as he is going away again next weekend and she’s going to miss him very very much. Her other favourite human, Dad, has gone away again and she won’t see him every day as she likes to. The snuffle mat is to cheer her up. She has treats hidden in it and then has to spend time finding them. She’s pretty good at it already, but at least it entertains her for a while. She feels important too as it has her name on it and none of the rest of us have one.
Different Personalities
Mum said that it was no good buying it for any of the others of us. She seems to think that I would just destroy it in my desperation to get the food by any means possible. She thinks Ari would work out that he could pick it up and shake all the treats out and Alfie would sit and wait until Ari had shaken the treats out for him. Only Shadow will patiently work her way round it finding every last piece of food without cheating. I did think of protesting at Mum’s assumptions, but I suspect she is right. Shadow has certainly proved that she at least is willing to work hard finding everything and is very pleased with her gift. I need to get Mum to take a picture of her using it so you can see.
Have a great Monday
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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So that’s what they’re for! A friend posted photos of her dogs with one each and I wondered how long they would last.
We will take a picture of Shadow using it to show you too.
Have a lovely day