Friday Flashback
It’s another Friday Flashback. I’m back to looking at some of the things the others did when they were small. I’ll start with Shadow.
There is a new category of rubbish in our household and that is rubbish that Shadow borrows to use as a toy. This mainly consists of plastic bottles that can be thrown in the air and chased round the garden. Everyone thinks it’s huge fun, except my Mistress who is concerned that the kitchen and garden are starting to look like a refuse site. I said to her ‘Look on the bright side, it’s a cheap form of entertainment. You can always round them up and throw them away at intervals, as you know it won’t be long before some more are available.’ She sort of grunted at me, which I am taking as resigned acceptance.
The plants still seem to be alive, although there is no sign of the bulbs coming through yet. I thought of having a bit of a dig to see if anything was going on down there, but my Mistress said that would not be helpful. I told Shadow she had better get her paws cleaned quickly, so that my Mistress didn’t see them.
Then whilst not being about puppy antics, there was this from 2012. Mum was away in the Netherlands trying to mate Megan. Alfie’s words rather brought a lump to my throat.
Megan’s blood test yesterday did not present the answer we were all hoping for. According to the vet she will not be ready for mating until at least Tuesday. Now any of you who know about these things will know that there is science and then there are women! And women do not always operate in a scientific manner (just don’t tell my Mistress I said that!)
Anyway, she has been asking other breeders about what point their dogs will mate and many of them are saying that it may well be before ovulation so waiting until two days after there is a risk of being too late. The only way to know is to take Megan to the stud dog every day and see if anything happens. All that is lost in the meantime is my Mistress’s sanity, well that went years ago! And of course the cost of petrol, Ari and me being in kennels, putting on the friends she is staying with…
Why Entlebuchers
You could be forgiven for asking why she is doing it. You could be forgiven for pointing out there are other breeds of dog. You could be forgiven for thinking that she is completely mad. However, I know that at the end of the day she’s doing it all because of me. She loves me so much that she wants everyone to have the opportunity of having a dog just like me, oh and Ari of course and even Megan or Shadow. It makes me very proud to know I am her inspiration. I am the one who is the power behind her company, her writing and her love of our wonderful breed of dog. A lesser dog would feel that a heavy burden to carry, but I can walk tall and help her every way I can.
I’m off to cause mayhem. I’m really getting quite good at that, or so Mum says. Anyway, bye for now
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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