Worlds’s Happiest Dog

Shadow is quite possibly the world’s happiest dog. Ok, she can be the meanest too, but on balance she is happy. It’s not just that she is happy it is her infectious smile that makes everyone around her happy too. She went swimming yesterday with me and I don’t think I’ve seen a dog bounce with pleasure quite so much as she did. She had the whole time of my swim to get excited before getting in the pool and by the time she did her grin was as broad as it could be. Shadow loves swimming and goes for the toy with demonic ferocity.
I prefer to swim without a toy, but to Shadow it is the prize that she must have at any cost. She worked really hard in the pool and wants to go every week. Our Mistress says she will have to make do with the occasional swim, which is a shame.
Putting on weight
Both Shadow and I weighed ourselves at the swimming pool. I did that thing of putting my paw on the scales at the same time she got on to make her think she weighed more. Some jokes just never get boring. OK so it’s the sort of thing you expect of Ari rather than me, but hey! Anyway, she was very happy to find she is just 22kg and would be a fraction lighter without her harness on. Our Mistress says she may have the occasional extra treat to celebrate. I was delighted to find I’ve put on 0.7kg and so am now back to 28.5kg. I’ve got a way to go to get back to where I need to be, but it’s going the right way.
I’ve asked if we can all have ice creams to celebrate, but I may be pushing my luck just a tiny bit.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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