Oldest Spider – Monday 30th April 2018

Oldest Spider

Yesterday was funny. One of the headlines running on Mum’s Alexa was that the oldest spider had died at the age of 43. Mum said she really did not need to know about the oldest spider, let alone have it scrolling round on repeat every couple of minutes. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Dad insisted on telling her all about it when she called him and I think from listening may have added one or two details that were not in the news report. By the end of it, she was really not best pleased and more than a little jumpy. She said if it had lived here it would not have got to the age it did, or if it had she would have moved out.

Counting down the days

We dogs are all counting down the days to seeing Dad at the weekend. I know I’ve seen him more recently than the others, but I’m still excited. We all show our excitement in very different ways. Ari is openly happy and looking forward to wrapping his paws round Dad. Alfie is much more subdued in the way he shows it, but is most certainly looking forward to it. He says he did wonder if he’d see him again, which I thought was a bit sad.

Shadow is the funny one. She has this way when she’s excited of jumping with all four paws off the floor and twisting her body from side to side in the middle. It means her front end goes in one direction and her back end goes in the opposite one. Mum always things she’s going to do herself harm as she does it with such enthusiasm. You really can’t miss the fact that she’s happy anyway.

Lots of Walks

It’s lovely now Mum is feeling a lot better and we can all start going for more walks again. She enjoys being outdoors as much as we do. At the moment she looks very odd on our walks though as she has to wear a mask to make sure she doesn’t breathe in the pollen from the oil seed rape. She’s badly allergic to it at the best of times. Worryingly, the mask does make her look more like a criminal than our Mum.



Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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  1. I see it as my duty to catch and eat all spiders in our house. My human isn’t sure whether to the thankful or disgusted (and I never get any thank you kisses!!). No spider would have lived that long in our house either..

  2. It used to be Shadow’s job, but she says she’s retired from that now. I think she expected me to take over, but it’s just not my thing.

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