Time to Go home – Saturday 14th April 2018

Time to Go Home

When I say it’s time to go home that all feels a bit confusing. Home is here as well now, so I don’t really know what to think. If home is where you know where to find the biscuit cupboard, your bed and your bowl, then this is definitely home. What it doesn’t have is Alfie, Shadow and Ari. On the bright side, what it does have is Dad and my Mama and sisters. Oh I don’t know. It is very difficult to know how I feel about it all. I do know that I wish the drive were not quite so long.

Me with Mama Susie, Valeria and their lovely human
Me with Mama Susie, Valeria and their lovely human

My favourite walk

We did meet my Mama and Valeria again yesterday for a walk. We walked through part of the forest this time as they were muck spreading around the other walk we’d done. It was lovely, but I had to stay on lead which was not quite so much fun. One time Mum and I are going to try to get the bus up to the top and walk back home through the forest. Mum seems to like the thought of it being downhill all the way.

There are lovely walks up there that we haven’t tried yet too. I don’t think we’re ever going to run out of places to go and they are all so beautiful. It is going to be very odd going back to England and not seeing mountains all the time.


For good measure, my last day is going to involve a trip to Ikea to change the door. We’re doing that on the way to see lots of dogs doing their breeding test here. It will be great to see them all, it’s just a shame we have to go to Ikea yet again first! I just hope that my humans buy the right door this time!

Love Wilma

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

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