Happy Dog
I’m a happy dog. This is better than my birthday. Yesterday we got to Switzerland and I got to see Dad again after a month apart. It was so good to see him. Mum seemed pretty happy about it too. There Is snow here too, which is a bonus. We went for a walk in the rain and saw the road that goes up to our new house. We didn’t go up there as it would have meant driving and quite honestly both Mum and I had had enough of being in a car for one day.
Steak for tea
Mum had brought a food parcel out for Dad from England of some of his favourite foods. He’d made a special request for steak from Hartley’s, our local butcher, so that is exactly what Mum had brought. She brought him some of his favourite things like custard powder, crisps, English mustard and tea as well, but it was the steak I was most interested in. I was allowed a very little bit of it. I did offer to lick the plates for them, but was told I wasn’t allowed to, which was a shame.
My birthplace
Today things get even better when I go to visit my Mum and sister in the place where I was born. It is not far from where we’ll be living as long as we go over the mountain to get there. It’s further if we go the long way round. It might not take much different time though. Mum has never been there before, so I just hope I can remember the way. I have said I’ll need to sit up front if they want me to help. It’s much harder to do from my crate at the back.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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Good morning, Wilma my dear daughter! I’m looking forward to see you soon, it’s so exciting for all of us. Tell your Mum to take the direct road over the “Raten-Pass”, then you’ll see your new home! My Mum recently passed there and she has seen your future house, it’s nice! See you later, girlie!
Oh Mama, I’m so excited. I’ve been up for hours asking what time I need to be ready.