Excited Dog – Saturday 31st March 2018

Excited Dog

Excited dog coming in to land. Oh it’s going to be so good to see Dad. Mum said if I give him my most enthusiastic Entlebucher greeting he might need full body armour to protect him. Oh I know we can hurt our humans accidentally, but I’ve not seen him for a month and I’ve really missed him. Of course I’ve spoken to him on the phone regularly and I know his voice still sounds the same but I’ve not smelled him for all that time. Ok, that’s not strictly true. I’ve had a good sniff round the house to pick up his scent where I can, but it’s not the same as having the real thing to sniff. I hope he’s looking forward to seeing me as much as I am him.


We have seen a lot of rain on the journey. Most of the time it was hardly worth my looking out of the window. I even refused to get out to go to the loo at one point. I can go many hours without needing a loo if I really need to and quite honestly when it’s raining that much it’s a good incentive to wait. Mum says she’d much rather travel on days when there are fewer people on the road too and I can see her point.


Wilma disappointed she can't share her human's breakfast
Tell me again why I can’t have pancakes?

I’ll do an update to my travel site later with the new hotel I’ve got to add. I need to add some city apartments too. I really like the look of those and may see if Mum could take me to try them sometime. I liked our hotel because I was allowed to eat with Mum, although for reasons I just don’t understand she would not order the pancakes with maple syrup and bacon for me as well. I just got my usual bowl of kibble. It did make me wonder how Aristotle would have approached the problem. I’ve still got a lot to learn from him.

Have a great Saturday, I certainly will



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