Changing the clocks – Sunday 25th March 2018

Changing the clocks

It’s one of those weekends where changing the clocks is largely irrelevant. For a start, our Mistress has completely forgotten that it was this weekend. Had it not been for one of her friends putting something on Facebook she may not have realised for a while. Secondly, with four dogs who aren’t governed by clocks it’s not the something which has much bearing on the day. However, spring is the good news part. Alfie’s tummy will wake up at it’s normal time but it will be an hour later and we’ll all be kidded into thinking we’ve had a lie in. Our Mistrress threatens every year not to adjust our food times, but of course we soon work out that things around us have changed and adjust accordingly.


The funny thing was when we spoke to our Master yesterday, he didn’t actually know if he was expecting the clocks to change there or not. Some countries don’t change at the same time so he will be guessing until he finds some definite information.

Our Mistress is very excited about the evenings being lighter. She says it makes life easier, but I can’t see why.


What it has done, is remind me that it’s about time to get our Mistress out in the garden with me planting things. I need to get all my packets of seeds down off the shelf and help me to plant up some vegetables. I’m sure I’ve normally put them in by now. I know Alfie won’t be happy if he doesn’t have homegrown carrot peelings to eat later in the year. I think it’s only the parsnips I need to do now and he’s not so keen on those. Let’s hope it’s a sunny day.

Have a lovely Sunday


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