Friday Flashback
Well, it’s Wilma here again with my Friday Flashback. It was funny reading back the first few years of March 23rd it seems to have been a very quiet day of the year. Then I laughed when I got to 2010 and found that some of the changes we’re going through with furniture moving is nothing new!
My Mistress sat us down and reassured us that all our beds and toys will reappear at the other end when we come out of kennels. She put some of our outdoor rope toys on the fence to dry in the sun, but sadly forgot to take them in before it rained again. She did threaten to throw out the worst of them, but we begged her to let us keep them and she only threw out the very worst of the broken toys. As she has applied the same strategy with her own things, we can’t feel too aggrieved.
We have had a little discussion about being nice to the workmen and I have certainly understood it. Shadow says it depends if they are nice to her and largely that depends on whether they will play with her. My Mistress has promised that on Friday she will take a break from working for a couple of hours to curl up with us and create some new favourite places so that we feel settled. I asked whether she could stretch it to the whole day, but she didn’t think that was very likely. It also turns out that we will be denied access to a couple of the rooms, so I hope it doesn’t turn out that they would have been our favourite places.
Then in 2012 I really liked what Alfie wrote about Aristotle. It’s funny looking at Ari now, he’s so much older but still handsome and still very clever. It’s a shame he could not become a stud dog.
Some dogs just have it all. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not jealous, well not very, but little Aristotle seems to have his whole life ahead of him and I’m feeling just a little grey around the gills. Aristotle is one of the cleverest dogs I’ve ever met. If we spent enough time training him there is very little he couldn’t do. Just at the moment he has forgotten much of his training and has gone ‘hormonal’. He’s hit that age where his hormones start to kick in and strange things start to happen.
There he was at his training class the other night, not doing any of the things he has learnt, but instead wanting to play with every last girl dog he could find. Alarmingly, he has the looks and charm to go with it and every girl dog wanted to play with him. Other girl dogs who have seen his photo are already asking whether he’s hoping to be a stud dog when he’s bigger and he just smiles and shrugs and looks up at them with those big brown eyes. Deep down I feel quite proud of him. I know that part of it is the way I’ve been bringing him up and it’s always good to see the next generation doing you proud.
That’s all from me for today
Have fun
Love Wilma
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
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