What do you mean- Snow?
Now I’ve lived in England for ten years. I think that’s long enough to have got to know a place. I was quite sure I’d got used to the pattern of the weather in that time. There was our Mistress reading out the weather forecast for next week to us all. “What do you mean – snow?” I asked when she got part way through the week. Now don’t misunderstand, of couse I know what snow is. I’ve seen enough of it recently. That’s the point though. I’ve actually seen more than enough of it recently.
I was under the decided impression that in England we should be done with all that by now. Whilst my cousins in Switzerland might expect to still have snow at this time of year, I do not. My old bones are ready for a bit of warmth and sunshine. Metaphorically, I want to swap my winter tyres for ones with summer tread. Our Mistress wants to do that literally, but that’s for the car.
Wilma’s reaction
Now I know Wilma has not lived in England nearly as long as I have, but her reaction didn’t have to be quite so different. She is positively jumping up and down with excitement at the prospect of more snow, whether she gets to see it here this winter or in Switzerland. She was clearly born to it. Shadow is much the same, despite me reminding her how much she ached after playing out in it the last time.
Well, a lot can change in a week. Knowing England we might be in the middle of a heatwave instead, but I may be being overoptimistic. At least we’ve got some sunshine forecast for today and I’m going to ask our Mistress if we can do some of the outside jobs so that I can spend some time in it. I may have to put up with Aristotle joining us, but I guess that’s the price I’ll have to pay.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
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