Tuesday 6th February 2018 – Happy Birthday Shadow.

Hello everyone, it’s Wilma here. Alfie is still not well so I’m writing the diary for a few days. You will be pleased to know that as the abscess has burst again he’s not in quite so much pain, but he’s still pretty miserable. We’re still waiting to hear when his scan will be and are hoping it will be very soon.

On a brighter note, today is Shadow’s ninth birthday. Happy birthday, Shadow. We are all celebrating with her and she’s going swimming instead of Alfie as a special treat. That was planned even before Alfie was ill and she’s been looking forward to it.

Happy birthday too, of course, to her brothers, Kai in wales and Rocky in Germany. Considering her age she really is in remarkably good shape and one of the happiest dogs you can imagine. She’s a great housemate and we get on brilliantly. It’s funny, now she’s mellowed a bit with age she actually gets on well with everyone in the house. She’s quite close to Alfie and sees him as a bit of a father figure. I guess she’s known him since she was just a small pup and he has been the guiding light in her life. She totally disowns being Aristotle’s mother. He sort of likes her, but he gave up on her as a mother figure when he was tiny. Our human Mum is really his whole world when it comes to that.

Even without much of a maternal instinct, Shadow’s still the birth mother of more dogs in the UK than any other dog, which is quite an achievement.

We do all really hope that she has years of good health ahead of her and will continue to behave like a spring lamb at every opportunity.

Have a great day everyone



Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my MUM!!!! Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your swimming. My housemate had tests yesterday as she is not well and had to stay in the special Vets last night. I am missing her but trying to be brave. I hope she will be home later. Lots of love to you all Dickens XXXXXXX

    • Oh no. I hope Dilys is ok. Please send her our love.
      Your mum says thank you. She’s having a good birthday bark.

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