Saturday 3rd February 2018 – A Free Draw

We thought you might like this free to enter draw. All you have to do is sign up for their newsletter or like their facebook page and you can win over £100 of goodies absolutely free. Some of it is things like vitamins, but there is a Kong toy and a rug too, if you’re not a vitamin sort of dog. I am a vitamin sort of dog, but the Kong would be great too. Good luck and let’s hope one of us is the winner – do let us know if it’s you.

Finally, yesterday it was a relatively mud free walking day. There was still enough mud around to be able to feel in squelching between our toes, but not enough to bring home and cause complete chaos with. Enough to leave our marks our on Mistress, which is the important thing. We do like to stamp her as being ours. We could do with some more days like that as it really was starting to feel as though spring might just be around the corner and that makes us all more cheerful. Today is going to be my sort of day too. We’re having a wood delivery, which is always good news, at least for me. I can be relied on not to try and steal it or chew it, so I get to help stacking it all, which means lots of outside time. Oh dear, I thought I’d check the weather forecast and I might have to leave my Master and Mistress too it as there is rain forecast and outside time is not nearly so much fun when it’s raining. Oh, I know I’ve got an easy-dry coat, one of the very best in fact, but that doesn’t mean I need to use that feature unneccessarily. I’m going to make sure they have the fire going before they go outside so that I’m well catered for like any sensible dog!

Have a great Saturday


Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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