For once I’m not talking about Wilma. Oh Wilma can bark loudly, and does from time to time, but it’s Shadow who can go all day. It was windy again yesterday. Shadow needs to move to a country where it is never windy, or have a room on the side of the house away from the wind. She likes that room because she can watch the world go by, and if she’d leave it at just watching it wouldn’t be a problem. It’s just that she feels the need to tell the rest of us what is going on and make sure we’ve heard whatever room we’re in. I can’t stop myself from shouting back to her each time to tell her we’ve heard and she just sees that as a sign she should continue. Our poor Mistress was getting very frustrated as she was trying to concentrate on writing the beginning of her new book. She is usually very organised and ahead of deadlines, but she wants to send it to a compeition with a closing date of tomorrow! I suspect by later today she will be demanding total silence from all of us and Shadow will be wearing a gag.
We do all like to keep our Mistress on her toes. She thinks we’re predictable, but we like to mix things up and confuse her. Yesterday, Aristotle found that at his walk time it was pouring with rain. His normal response to that would be to go a few yards and say he was just fine and did not need to go out. At that point our Mistress would breathe a sigh of relief and happily go back to the car. That’s what she was hoping for yesterday, but instead he enthusiastically said he was up for doing a whole circuit and if she really wanted to then he was willing to go round a second time. She didn’t really want to so they settled on just the one lap, by which time they were both soaked through.
Have a great Tuesday
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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