I’m going out for the first time in a while. Admittedly I’m going swimming, but at least it gets me out. I’m ready to see the world again and although I don’t think my eye is completely ok I’m ready to give it a go. Wilma is coming with me as she says she hasn’t come to watch for a while. I do like having her there but I also like having our Mistress’s undivided attention, so I’ve got mixed feelings on the whole thing. I think we have some errands to run too, so I’ll get a bit of a sightseeing trip while I’m about it. Of course, the sites will only involve the Post Office, the chemist and things like that and I have seen them all before, but either way it makes a pleasant change.
Wilma is disappointed. This year Crufts are not having roving reporters as they did last year and previous years, so she won’t be able to bring you as much of the inside scoop as in the past. She will still tell you a little about what she is doing, but I said it might give her more chance to enjoy it if she wasn’t having to work so hard. Of course, we actually quite like working hard when we have a job to do, so I guess that probably fell on deaf ears.
Aristotle did not want to go for a walk yesterday. Wimp that he is, there was still snow and ice on the ground. He did his best to keep at least two paws off it at any one time but said if it was all the same to our Mistress he’d really rather come home to the warm. He tried to justify himself by saying he didn’t want to slip and make his bad leg worse, but he wasn’t kidding anyone. He’s just been brought up to be spoiled and kept snuggly warm and has developed quite a liking for it. Which reminds me, I need to push for the fire to be lit for when I get back from swimming.
Have a great Tuesday
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
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