Now, I don’t know what you’re like, but we all react to wind. I don’t mind those indelicate times when we’re eaten something that leaves our digestion in a bit of a state, I mean the weather. One dog on a windy day is unsettled. Four dogs on a windy day, according to our human, are a bit of a pain. I don’t think they were her exact words, but that was the general gist. Shadow likes to sit in the room at the front of the house which is west facing. The direction is important as that is where the prevailing wind comes from and we’re at the top of the hill. When I say ‘hill’ I wouldn’t like you to get the wrong idea. This is relative and compared to my family in Switzerland this barely counts as an incline, but it’s still the highest point for some distance. On the bright side, there are some good views. However, on the downside there is also some good wind! Shadow spent much of the day barking and howling at the wind. She relays her thoughts to me in the kitchen and I bark them through to the office. If our Mistress is really lucky then at that point both Wilma and Aristotle join in and send their messages back to Shadow in the snug, via my additions in the kitchen. This can go on for hours! And yesterday it did. Our Mistress is now desperately hoping for some calmer weather so her sanity can be restored. If that happens of course, we may have to look for a different excuse. There’s a neighbourhood cat who waves to Shadow, that’s usually good for at least ten minutes of barking. Our Mistress did ask us if it was possible for a dog to lost its voice. Judging by Shadow it probably isn’t!
Have a good Thursday
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© 2017 Rosemary J. Kind
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Hi Alfie, I am not too bad in the wind. It was very strong here last night but has quietened now. To top it all we had a power cut at 5.15am until 8.15. Mum and Dad went into overdrive and the place turned into a camping scenario with the gaz stove and torches everywhere. Dad had to shave and wash by torchlight as he had an appointment early this morning. Normality has returned thank goodness. I will be looking out for squirrels now, that sets me off and I can bark really loud for a long time. I also jump up at the windows until they go. They must not be in my garden and I tell them so. Hope you all have a relaxing day today. Love Dickens X
That sounds exciting. I hope that your Dad didn’t cut himself in the process. Anyway, I think Shadow is all barked out today so maybe it will be quieter