Aristotle has been busy working as the ‘Goods Outwards’ department. He has been supervising the packing up of books to be posted to lots of different places. Oh I know it looks like he’s resting in this photo, but he does assure me he has been doing lots to help. He wasn’t altogether specific about which lots he was doing, I think he may see his duties as mainly supervisory. Now one of us just has to take them all to the post office to send out. I may volunteer for that trip as it will be less onerous.
Monday we concluded that our Mistress was a little stressed. It’s chocolate deprivation which is mainly the problem. This time she says she is determined that her diet will not involve a further weight increase! Anyway, given she broke a mug, trapped her finger in a door taking a chunk out of it (the finger not the door) and went out without any method of paying anyone, I think she’d be better off going back onto the chocolate. She says she will be better in a few days when she has got past the withdrawal symptoms, but quite honestly I’d keep out of her way in the meantime as anything could happen.
Wilma asked why she couldn’t just cut down, but she sadly replied she was an ‘all or nothing’ sort of person. Which of course to be fair is why she needs to diet in the first place! Wilma also suggested walking us more as a way to work it off, but it’s cold outside and I have to say I understand our Mistress’s lack of motivation to go down that path. Although she is doing a rather odd walking on the spot movement while cleaning her teeth and cooking. It’s really very odd, but if it gives her the illusion of more exercise, who am I to argue?
Have a great Wednesday
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© 2017 Rosemary J. Kind
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