I think our Mistress is declaring a pyjama day. I’m not sure how that fits with her wanting to go out later this morning. I’m rather assuming that she won’t go out in her pyjamas. Oh don’t get me wrong, they’re very nice pyjamas but they do have a bit of a lived in look. To be fair, our Mistress has developed a bit of a lived in look so they might go quite well together. She claims she’s worked hard this week and deserves to put her feet up. As long as that still involves going for a walk with each of us then we won’t object. We wore her down rather yesterday. There was a man fixing some wardrobe doors and Shadow took it upon herself to bark for the whole time he was here… all three hours of it! By the end of that and the fact that Alfie has been grumbling for the last couple of days, she was quite ready to walk out on all of us. I got around her, which to be fair is not that hard. There’s not a lot that can’t be fixed by a cuddle from a loving dog. I did try gently try asking if she might be trying to do too much, but she just grunted in reply so I’m not seeing that as a good sign. I wondered if I could help her a little bit, but I’m not absolutely sure how. I have told her that exercise is good for her and I’m always happy to take her for a walk, but to be honest I think it’s more sleep she’d like than fresh air. I can do sleep. I make a good pillow and am always available to snuggle up to. I’ll just go and put the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door and see if I can curl up wherever she is.
Have a sleepy Saturday
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© 2017 Rosemary J. Kind
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