If I were six years younger I’d be getting excited. As it is, I’m smiling contentedly and leaving the youngsters to do the bouncing. The hardback proof of our Mistress’s book about our breed arrived yesterday. It looks pretty amazing, even if I do say so myself. We are hoping it might be able to go on sale in the next couple of days, which would be almost exciting enough for me to jump up and down. To be fair, Wilma is doing enough jumping for all of us as her picture is on the back cover and she thinks that makes her a star. Anyway, as long as the final proof arrives today and is all right then our Mistress will push all the buttons for it to go on sale. It is the first complete guide to our breed in the English language. There is a book in Dutch and one in German and there was a Swiss booklet many years ago, but the only ones in English or either just about training or are general breed books with only a small amount about our breed included. The Complete Entlebucher Mountain Dog Book is 200 pages just about us and they are quite big pages too. There are about 160 colour photographs including ones of me! What more could you possible ask for? Anyway, I’m slightly jumping

the gun in telling you. You can only preorder the ebook version at the moment, but that is all about to change.
The night before last, I had the strangest dream. I was fast asleep in my den when all of a sudden I thought something was chasing me and shot out waking everyone up and feeling very dazed and confused. It took ages for our Mistress to reassure me there was no one else there and I could go back to sleep safely. You know what it’s like when you wake with a start and your heart’s racing, well I was like that but it turns out it was all a bad dream. I had a quieter night last night so hopefully it was a one off. I’ll be checking for monsters under the bed before you know it. If there are any, it’s only likely to be Wilma pretending!
Have a great Thursday
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2017 Rosemary J. Kind
All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Welcome back Alfie. I hope you are feeling better. Exciting news! Are the pics of all of you in it or just you and Wilma? Have a lovely day. Sending you more cuddles Alfie. xxxxx
Oh there are pictures of lots and lots of different Entlebuchers, even ones from other countries who I don’t know. My dad is in there. which is really rather special and so are many others. x
Dear Alfy,
I want to buy the book with hard cover! Tell your mistress that I am so pround on her! It looks so nice! The book of my mistress in Holland had not a hard cover, that is a pity. ? .
Love you , Juul
Oh Juul that is lovely. I will tell you in a couple of days as soon as it is available. I think I heard my Mistress saying she would be sending the paperback one to you as a present when she has some copies too.