Well after a stressful wait, Alfie came home in the afternoon and seems to be fine. Our vet couldn’t find any sort of puncture wound, so there is no sign of the abscess being caused by a foreign body of any sort. She thinks that because the infection is so deep it may not have been completely killed off last time, even though he was on antibiotics for ages. Anyway, this time he’s having antibiotics for even longer and if that does not work then he will have to go for a scan to see what is going on inside. We think that’s all sort of good news and are taking extra special care of him. Mum slept downstairs with him again last night as he was a feeling a bit wobbly, but actually I think he just wanted the attention. I’m not complaining as I slept downstairs too and when that happens I get to spend the whole night in the bed with her.
Dad has to go to Switzerland again today. It really isn’t fair as I want to go. Mum has promised that she will take me just as soon as she possibly can, but we have to wait at least a little while. He’s only going to the airport today. He will actually fly tomorrow morning. The good news is that although I’ll miss him it does mean I can sleep in the bed for the next couple of nights too. I do think it’s important to look for all the upsides in things.
She has been trying to work out our arrangements for taking me to Crufts this year. I’d like to be there all four days but we may have to do things a bit differently. She doesn’t want me to miss the chance of being in the ring on the Thursday but has asked if I’d mind going by train. I rather like our days out by train so I don’t mind, although I can’t guarantee looking my best. It will largely depend what the state of the carpets is under the seats and whether I lie in anything unpleasant. Such are the difficulties of life for a dog.
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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2017 Rosemary J. Kind
All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Great news Alfie. Keep taking the tablets! Love Dickens X
Will do. Our Mistress wraps them in marzipan so I don’t mind at all.
Great news Alfie. Keep improving. Look after him Wilma. xxxxxx
Ps. Very impressed with Aristotle’s swimming.
She does a pretty good job of looking after me, although overdoes it sometimes. Aristotle is very annoying. He’s so good at swimming and you can tell how strong he is as he never uses his back legs at all.