This one is specially for Karen Bennett
We four dogs of Swiss Breed we are,
Now try saying ‘Entlebucher’
Born for herding, up the mountain,
Following moo not baa.
O bark so loudly, that you’ll hear,
Entlebuchers far and near,
Cow bells ringing, dogs all singing,
voices all so loud and clear.
Close to man, we build a strong link,
given a challenge, we like to think.
Always happy, never yappy,
Nose wet and tongue quite pink.
O bark so loudly, that you’ll hear…
Always ready for a long walk,
Snuggle close if you want to talk,
scratch my tummy, treats are yummy
Stolen from plate of fork.
O bark so loudly, that you’ll hear…
We’ll defend you if you need help,
always ready if you just yelp,
love forever, leave you never,
right from a tiny whelp.
O bark so loudly, that you’ll hear
Entlebuchers far and near,
Cow bells ringing, dogs all singing,
voices all so loud and clear.
While she has been thinking about the words to use, Wilma has found herself the best spot in the office to relax. She can’t get any closer to the fire than this although to be fair she has been trying. She says that as long as we keep the fire going then she’s happy to see if she can come up with another carol for tomorrow. I’ve sent our Master out to bring in more wood and I’m going to supervise to make sure they keep putting on a log every time she calls for one. She’s willing to follow up any other suggested first lines as long as we don’t slack in our fire duties.
Other than that Wilma has been making the most of ice skating when she goes out. We all have the sense to walk round the ice. Wilma on the other paw rushes up to every piece of ice and either jumps on it of glides across it. She’s fun to watch but impossible to photograph as she also tries to pull our Mistress after her, so our Mistress spends all her time trying to watch exactly where she is putting her feet.
Have a great Sunday
Love Aristotle
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE