Hello everyone, don’t you just love Fridays? Not only do I get chance to look back to see what has happened in previous years, but it’s the weekend soon. I’ve been missing Dad and can’t wait for him to get home later with news from my Mum and sister. I do hope they like the presents I’ve sent them. I chose them myself. I’m hoping he will have taken a photograph for me too and of course I hope that he comes home smelling of them. Anyway, back to the flashback.
This is from 2014
My Mistress managed to creep up on him when he was ‘counter surfing’ and took these photos. I like the one where he was looking round to see if there was anything he’d missed. The strength he has in his back legs means he’s way too comfortable standing up for a dog. If I do that it isn’t long before my back legs ache and I need to get down. Ari can stand like that quite happily for a good ten minutes or more working his way around the kitchen. Shadow can’t even reach the work surface without jumping up to look! The thing that makes Ari really effective is that he can do more than just rest his front paws on the counter. His back legs are strong enough for him to take his front ones off and use them to pick things up or pull them nearer too him. He’s dangerous!
And I just love this that Alfie wrote in 2008
In my attempt to rewrite carols to ensure they all include a dog I have started with “We three kings of orient are”. I got stuck just there. We three kings of orient are what? It isn’t a sentence. There seems to be a bit missing. Should it be ‘we three kings of orient are lost on our way to find Jesus’ or ‘we three kings of orient are a long way from home’? Just because ‘are’ rhymes with ‘afar’ and ‘star’ doesn’t make it a good word to finish the line with. I’m putting the puppy in instead of Frankincense. That verse will now read:
‘Cute puppy to offer to you
Always happy with a dog chew
Dog to nuzzle, keep you safely
Watching you as you grew
Oh star of wonder, star of night…,’
Now I know that it should be ‘grow’ and not ‘grew’, but if you can finish a line on ‘are’ then I can have ‘grew’. You just try singing it to the tune and see if I’m right.
That’s rather given me an idea. I’m going to sit down with Aristotle and see if we can rewrite some more carols. Do feel free to send us your ideas.
Have a fantastic Friday
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Hi Wilma!
It’s you older sister Valeria here.
We spent a very pleasant evening with your Master. Susi fell heed over heels in love with him. And he caressed her more than she had ever been! So much so that even I didn’t dare to cut in jealously the way I usually do – these two were just too good with each other…
Thank you very much for your present! Now I have a Horsey of my own and whenever I play with it my thoughts will be with you. When waiting for the vet to take some blood from me for a progesteron test this morning I saw a nice toy I thought you’d probably like. Your master will give it to you when he gets home today – or maybe he’ll wrap it up and put under the Chistmas tree. It’s up to him.
Have a good time, my darling sister, and give my regards to your Mum and your fellow Entlis.
Dearest Valeria and Mama
Thank you so much for taking care of Dad. He has given me the duck you sent. It’s lovely. I’m glad he and Mama got on so well. He said it made his trip much better to spend time with you all.
Maybe we can all see you soon
So you got our present! That’s fine, because it also means that your Master has safely arrived home.
We are pleased to hear that you like Ducky Duck Duckens as your new playmate. Please don’t tear him apart – there are more civilised ways to show your love, respect, and joy!
Have a good time with all the dogs and people who seem to love each other dearly.
V. & S.
Dearest sister and Mama
Thank you. Dad is in good spirits. I think you must have looked after him very well. I got into bed with Dad last night and had a really good sniff and cuddle. I could smell you all, it was lovely.
all my love