We have moved into Christmas countdown mode. Our Mistress is now drawing up a list of what’s left to be done. She’s very good at drawing up lists, she’d be a bit lost without them. There’s the list of presents left to buy, the list of presents left to be delivered, the list of cards left to write, the list of food to buy, the list of where the lists are – you get the idea. We can’t actually have Christmas until all the lists have been ticked off. If it’s not on the list it won’t get done and if it is on the list it will get done whether it was needed or not. The decorations are all finished and Shadow has Christmas music playing in her room so all is right with the world. Now I just need to write my note for Santa Paws and reassure him I’ve been a good dog and ask if I could have a very big bone for Christmas and that will be the last of my preparations done too.
I probably shouldn’t say this as I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise for the children, but our Master may play a part in helping Santa visiting the Carols on the Green in the village. Now, I’m not going to say exactly what he’s doing to help, but it is a very important role and he’s really looking forward to it. It’s a job he loves doing and he even got an emergency call to go and help out at a school’s children’s party last Friday. The original ‘helper’ was ill so he only got 30 minutes notice to get ready and get to the school.
Before that though he’s off to visit Wilma’s mum and sister and hopefully see some snow, which is something we’ve missed out on.
I’m off to write my letter to Santa
Have a great Wednesday
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Yes, Alfie
Your Master will see some snow when coming to visit us tomorrow. The snow’s not really fresh anymore because of some warm and rainy spells in the last few days.
Well, when he’ll arrive here it will be dark anyway and to late for outdoor activities. I’ll have picture ready for him, taken a couple of minutes ago, to show him, what he could have seen had he come by daylight.
We’re looking forward to seeing him and hope to enjoy a happy Entle-fan evening together.
And we keep our paws crossed for him! May he get the job he wants!
Susi and Valeria.
Dear Susi and Valeria
It is so nice that our Master can come to see you. I think he might need a bit of support from an Entlebucher. Wilma wishes she could come too, but I’ll look after her while he is away as of course will our Mistress.
Much love to you all