Yesterday was a cosy pyjama sort of day. I don’t actually have any PJs but it was a while before our Mistress was ready to give hers up in exchange for more normal human daytime clothing. I did however go and snuggle in my den. I’ve decided I really like it in there. None of the others are ever allowed to go in. It’s so soft and comfortable with a bed and a lovely fleecy blanket too. I think I might spend some of today in there as well, particularly if our Mistress is sitting right next to it at her desk.
Shadow spent yesterday bouncing. It’s really disconcerting to see a dog of her age on springs. She seemed to be celebrating it only being the two of us as much as I was. She sat on the bed just outside my den and after I got used to it I didn’t even mind her being around. Of course, I did prefer it when she stopped bouncing.
I know that the others will be home later, but I have rather enjoyed the quiet with them not being here. Oh I miss Wilma but I know she’ll be home soon. I’m going to see if I can settle in my den when she’s around the office as it would be nice to spend more time here. I don’t miss Aristotle. Our Mistress was showing me pictures from when I was younger of how well we used to get on. It all seems such a long time ago now. I guess it was always best before he was an adult. I didn’t feel threatened by him back then. That’s the nature of things. The new generation come along and take the place of the last one. You have to be pretty strong to be able to stand your ground as you get old and I find that hard. I was a youngster once, but the new generation often don’t think about all the things I would have done and the experience I have. They just see an old declining dog. Maybe I need a new plan so I can surprise them yet. I wonder what it could be.
Have a lovely Sunday
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