I’m pleased to say that Alfie seems to be through the worst. There was a horrible moment when he started dripping blood from his mouth and Mum started to panic and rang the vet. Thankfully our lovely vet explained that it was probably his abscess bursting and was actually a good sign. Sure enough although he was clearly in a lot of pain his eye started to improve a little. He’s off to the vet this morning to be checked over to make sure things are going the right way.
It does all mean I’m not going to the show I was going to be in this weekend. Alfie was supposed to be going to kennels for the weekend and Mum really hasn’t got the heart to make him do that. Ari and I have asked if we can still go to kennels to get chance to play with our friends and for me it will make up for not seeing the friends I would have seen. It also means Mum and Alfie can have a day or two of more time together which they both need.
We’re all a bit envious of Dad too at the moment. He has to go to Switzerland for a couple of days next week. We want to go too, but he’s explained he has to fly and we can’t go on the plane. He has to visit somewhere that is not that far from where my Mum and sister live. I said he should go to see them for me, but he won’t have a car.
We heard some news about Shadow’s family yesterday. Her dad apparently died last year but at the grand age of fourteen. It’s a shame she never got to meet him, but I’m glad he lived to a good old age.
Have a great day
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
So pleased to hear Alfie is feeling better. Sending him more cuddles and Sammi sends more licks. You and Ari enjoy your days away. xxxxx
Thank you. I shall miss getting into bed in the morning, but I just love playing with my friends. I might need a bath when I come home!
Love Wilma
Tell Dad that he can go places in Switzerland without a car! We’ve got a fine railway system here – not cheap but reasonably reliable. And my humans are happy to get our visitors at the next railway station – they do that with all that come by train.
If he needs any information – please tell him to ask me. I know everything about travelling in Switzerland.
Valeria and I would be very happy to meet him and maybe give him something for you for under the Christmas tree …
Oh Mama that would be so lovely. As soon as he knows his travel has been booked I will ask him to see about a train. Please can you let me know the right station so he can look at how he would get there? I do wish I could come too.
Love to you and my sister as well as all the humans
The next station to our home is EINSIEDELN, just a 5 minute’s drive, and just a 40 minute’s train ride from Zurich main station.
The easiest thing – even if he’s got no expercience travelling in Switzerland whatsoever.
Thank you. I will tell Dad and ask Mum to send you an email too.
So glad Alfie is a bit better, it’s worrying. Enjoy your time away! Hugs to all xxx
Thank you. Ari and I will have a boisterous time