Saturday 25th November 2017 – Getting the Bug

Happy Saturday everyone, it’s Aristotle here and I’m going to tell you about some new dog treats that Wilma and I have been trying. We were offered the opportunity to try Bug Bakes and never dogs to turn down a teat, we agreed.

The Bug Bakes treats are made from cricket flour – that’s ground up crickets. Interestingly yesterday we heard of a bakery in Finland using cricket flour to make bread, so it’s fine for humans. Why cricket flour? Well, we asked that too. It turns out that crickets need much less food, very little water (a two-thousandth! of a cow’s amount) and create much less farting than a cow in order to produce the same amount of protein. Anyway, the company that makes them is promoting them as being ‘eco treats’, environmentally friendly and completely organic. Oh and they are hypo-allergenic too, which I know is very important for some of you. They also support the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. That all sounds very good, but we were sceptical – that’s our job. Both Wilma and I approach new things in much the same way. We took a treat carefully from our Mistress and took it to a safe piece of rug. We put it down and walk round it, giving it a good sniff and an occasional lick. Once we’re quite certain it is not going to bite back we’re ready to have a nibble and see what we think.

From our initial reaction our Mistress knew it was unlike anything we were used to. From our following reaction she was quite certain it had met with our total approval. Now, I don’t want you to misunderstand these treats are not just ok. These are somewhere off the scale, walk on two legs and beg with all your might excellent. We totally love them and I mean LOVE them. Which added to the fact that our Mistress likes the whole environmental angle is a win-win situation.

Do get your human to take a look at the company because they really are rather special and if you can get them to buy you some you really won’t regret it. Write in and tell us what your reactions to them were. You can find them HERE

Happy Saturday


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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE