Mum and I had a girls day out yesterday. It wasn’t all the girls as Shadow didn’t come, just Mum and me. We went down to see Granny and Grandpa for lunch and on the way stopped at a beautiful place for a walk. Mum said it was the same place she had watched the sunrise on the first day of this millennium but that was a long time before I was even born. She said that day was amazing as she went up to Beacon Hill just because it seemed like a good idea and when she got there a couple of hundred other people had all had the same idea. There weren’t that many there yesterday, just a few humans and a few dogs. Mum was the only one in a Sunday best dress and walking books – she had to make me promise not to put muddy pawprints on her nice clothes. Oh, I wanted to, but I promised anyway.
When we got to the top of the hill Mum wanted to take a nice selfie with me but I’d found a bone of some departed created that I thought was much more interesting. We had a bit of an argument. Apparently a) I shouldn’t just be picking up random things especially when I’ve been told to ‘leave’ and b) I should be more considerate when she wants to take a photo of us together. Normally it’s a battle she would win, but on this occasion she wasn’t dressed for the fight and her phone battery died so she couldn’t take any more photos anyway.
We’ve agreed we will go back to that particular park when she is dressed for the occasion. She wants Dad to come next time too as she thinks he’d rather like it. He’s missed out on the bones though as I finished those off before we left.
Have a great Monday
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