Hello everyone, happy Saturday. People have been asking how the launch went and wondered why Wilma didn’t tell you yesterday, I was going to have words with her, but in her defence she was waiting to get her paws on some photographs which didn’t arrive before she put paw to keyboard.
As with all these things the launch was a big learning opportunity for our Mistress. She learned that a) she pulls some very funny faces when she’s talking, b) she uses her hands rather a lot and c) she really could do with losing a pound or two. All of those are things we dogs knew but didn’t quite know how to tell her. Leaving those points aside there were lots of people there and everyone said it went very well. We want to be included next time as we feel a little left out.
One person asked if she would be putting a dog in her next book. She reassured them that every one of her books has a dog in it somewhere, except perhaps Negotiation Skills for Lawyers – she couldn’t find a way to work a dog into that one for some reason.
If you are reading New York Orphan then do let us know what you think of it and if possible please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. It makes a big difference to sales when there are reviews that other readers can see.
If you aren’t reading it yet, then what are you waiting for. If you want a signed copy then drop Alfie an email and he will sit our Mistress down and get her to sort one out. I volunteered to put my pawprint in a few, but apparently it’s the author who’s supposed to sign them rather than the author’s dog.
Anyway, have a great Saturday
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Well done Rosemary. We hope the book sells well. Love Dickens XXXX
I’ll tell her. Thank you.
Have a lovely Saturday