Before I move onto looking back I really want to wish Grandpa a very happy 92nd birthday. He’s amazing and even came for Mum’s book launch. Mum says she hopes she can be like that when she is older, but she’s not as fit as he is now so she’s got some work to do.
Anyway, back to my looking back in the archives.
We went for a walk and there was a sign on a tree in Flemish that my mistress walked straight by. I told her I thought she should have tried to read it and she ignored me. I just had an uncomfortable feeling about it so I said please could we go home and I would have a walk later. On the way back she had a look at the notice and found it said ‘Keep out – shooting’. I was very relieved that I had made her go back and she even seemed to think I’d done the right thing. Now I am worrying about what exactly they are shooting and come to that, who ‘they’ are. I like the deer and the rabbits and the buzzards and the pheasants aren’t all bad. If they have resorted to shooting moles then I am willing to join them but otherwise I am not very happy, I am however, way too much of a coward to go and make any sort of protest.

2011 – this was Aristotle’s litter
I got the camera all set up to do a video today and started it rolling. Then my Mistress said ‘What are they playing tug with?’ It turned out they were managing to pull the ‘poo bag’ through the bars and distributing the bag and contents around the pen. I had to stop filming as my Mistress didn’t want to be broadcast swearing at the puppies. By the time the situation had been sorted out the puppies were very tired from all their excitement and fell asleep.
That’s all for today
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