I’m not usually a serious dog, but there are some things that matter even to me. Where we walk most days was an airfield during World War II. Obviously I was born long after that and I have family all over Europe and beyond. I simply can’t imagine a situation where countries would take up arms against each other. Oh, I know it is still happening in some parts of the world and there are men, women, children and dogs in daily danger, but I find it hard to imagine what it must be like. When we are out walking, sometimes our Mistress will try to explain some of it to me and she tells me how awful such times would be. Even she is too young to remember.
What is really special today is that our little airfield is being filmed for a village history project. Our neighbour is going to be on camera talking about what all the buildings were used for and how it used to look. One of the things our Mistress thinks is lovely in this village is just how many people turn out to the Remembrance on the village green. Our Mistress says she thinks it’s important to remember all who die in conflict, civilian as well as military, four-legged as well as two and to hope we have learned the lessons of previous times.
Today I want you to reach a paw across the miles to our friends and family all across the world and hope for a time when two-legged and four-leggeds live in harmony and that those who died in the past did not do so in vain. Whether you wear a poppy or a pawprint on your lapel today do so with the determined intent of making this a better world, one where the next generation of children and puppies do not have to fear for the future but know that nations can work together. Hope for a time when there are no more conflicts and where world leaders will work in cooperation and show respect for each other.
With love to you all
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Well said Aristotle. Lovely thoughts. xxxx
Thank you.
Have a lovely day