We have no idea how she has done it. But this time rather than take the side of the crate down Wilma has completely opened it from the inside. She can’t take the sides down anymore as they are taped together, but our Mistress says she doesn’t think even with her fingers she could open the door from the inside and yet that is exactly what Wilma did yesterday. Our Mistress was out for an hour and three quarters, so not such a long time. Admittedly it was over our tea time and our food was late, which may have given Wilma an extra incentive. Anyway, to my surprise, there I was minding my own business when Wilma vaulted the gate and asked if she could join me in the kitchen. I suspect she was just hoping there might be food lying about, but our Mistress has long since stopped risking that one. She didn’t really misbehave and I didn’t mind her being there, but it did rather surprise our Mistress. She explained to Wilma that there were a number of aspects of her behaviour which might be seen as unsafe! Wilma, on the other paw is at that age where she just shrugs and totally ignores the point being made. Oh she turns on the puppy dog eyes and pretends she’s remorseful. She does that long enough for our Mistress to stop looking quite so stern. Believe me when I say that at times our Mistress can look very very serious with us all. Wilma did her thing of twisting our Mistress round her paw, telling her how much she missed her and she just wanted to be with me for some reassurance. You know the sort of thing. Now our Mistress just needs to work out how she can contain Wilma safely, but quite honestly Wilma and Aristotle are both so bright that I don’t think I fancy our Mistress’s chances of winning on this one.
Have a great day
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