Sunday 29th October 2017 – A fun quiz for you

You really do have to love our Mistress and DIY projects. She had a brainwave, which is never a good thing as there is usually trouble to follow. Anyway, she spotted that there is a recess in the back of our Master’s desk which she could turn into shelf space. She did her research and found some shelving which would be a good match – of course once it arrived she concluded that ‘match’ is a relative term and basically they don’t. Anyway, that’s not the real problem. She bought brackets to fit them with, but didn’t think about the fact that if the lower shelf has to start that high up there won’t be room for any books, which rather defeats the object. Anyway, she is now a complete expert in all types of available shelf bracket to the point where she was able to explain to the man in the DIP shop there was no point him looking on one particular shelf as that type were not made in the size she was after. Our Master was impressed but has no idea how wrong she’d got it first time round! She has had to order the replacements on the internet and so fixing the non-matching shelves has been delayed! I’m going to have to wait to be able to get in the way of the construction of this particular project.

Out of focus rather sums up our walk!

I had great fun on my walk yesterday. I went out with Wilma which is always a laugh as we wind each other up the whole time and then our Master and Mistress tell us off. Oh I know the picture is out of focus but it did sum the walk up rather well!

Today is going to be an altogether different type of fun and I’m just hoping our Mistress remembers to take some pictures. It’s the pumpkin carving competition in the village. I’ve helped our Mistress carve hers, but that’s not what I want the picture of. It’s the judge. I don’t think I’m supposed to tell you that our Master will be involved, but it’s ok because you won’t recognise him as he will be dressing up for it! He’s already scared all of us so I’m a bit worried the small children may not like it.

Have fun
