Tuesday 24th October 2017 – An excited puppy

Wilma is one excited puppy. I know that technically she is an adult, but that’s something she still chooses to forget most of the time. It looks as though she will meet the Ambassador himself tomorrow rather than just his deputy. Now she’s worrying about what to wear and whether she will look smart enough. She has a beautiful leather collar with Swiss flags on that she is only allowed to wear on special occasions. She wants our Mistress to use the lead with Swiss flags too, instead of her usual pink one, but I think our Mistress is just taking that for the end bit and not the whole of the day. They have to travel by train and are then going for quite a long walk before arriving at the Embassy later. We will all be sitting at home waiting for news of how she gets on.

There is still time to sponsor them all to help get to the target we are trying to raise for Heidi so she can have one final operation. This is the map of what has happened so far

and you can sponsor them here https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/walkforheidi With offline sponsorship they are up to £1600 so far but are still hoping to get to £2k by the time it is all collected in. There have been 23 of our breed in the UK taking part altogether which is exactly a quarter of the dogs. I think they’ve done pretty well between them. I know I’ve walked 3.9miles of the total, but others have walked an awful lot further. It has been huge fun looking at the map and seeing my name against some of the stages. I’m past wanting to visit those places in reality so doing it virtually is about as much fun as this old dogs is going to get.

Have a great Tuesday


You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. My family and I want to say to our “representatives ” going to the Embassy tomorrow, “have a lovely day”. Take lots of photos. We look forward to hearing all about it. Lots of love Dickens XXXXXXX

    • Thank you Dickens – Salvo and Izzy’s Master will be on hand to take photos. We’ll show you what it was like as soon as we can.

  2. I hope Wilma has a lovely day tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing any pics. xxxx

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