Tuesday 17th October 2017 – Old age can be so cruel

Happy birthday, Alfie
Alfie's birthday photo

It’s Wilma here again today. I need to start by saying a big thank you to Gill Wiltshire and Cassandra Brown for sponsoring Alfie. He promises to go out on Saturday and do his very best for Heidi. We’re all very proud of him.

If you haven’t sponsored him yet you can do so here https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/walkforheidi

I’m standing in for Alfie as he’s not doing very well at the moment. He’d been much better, but since Saturday he’s not been himself at all. The vets tests seem to have ruled out most things and it does seem to be Canine Cognitive Dysfunction that is causing the problem. That’s Doggie Alzheimer’s in simple terms. Mum doesn’t understand how on his good days he can seem perfectly ok, just old, but on his bad days it’s a nightmare. He doesn’t settle, gets in the way wherever you go, goes to the wrong sides of doors to go through them – the bit where the hinge is, cries almost constantly or barks if he isn’t crying and then at teatime on Sunday, even though there were people around he just stood and stared at the wall. When he goes outside and comes back in he always assumes it’s mealtime, even if he’s only just eaten and goes and stands there by the side waiting to be fed. Mum says she could cry. She tries to give him really gentle affection and talk to him soothingly but when he’s been crying non-stop for an hour it’s hard to be patient with him. She has sent for a book that is all about the problem and is hoping it might help, but given she’s already tried all the supplements you can try for him she is not holding out much hope. He’s going swimming today and she’s hoping that might do him some good. What she really wants to understand is what the difference is that means he still has good days. If she could find what to do to make them good so we could cut down on the bad days it would be a start. Physically, he’s doing very well for his age and could probably live for years yet so we need to do anything we can to make them good years. He copes with me being around but not the others. I’m pleased he likes me being around as I think the world of him and can understand why Mum is so worried. The place he’s happiest is sitting in the car. He relaxes completely then so when he starts to get too upset Mum lets him sit in the car for an hour so he can relax. It’s his happy place. She says that through the winter we can take him out with us whenever we go out. I think she’s going to find his favourite blanket for the back seat and make it a really comfy cosy place for him.

If any of you know anything that might help, please tell us.

Love Wilma

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Oh Wilma I’m sorry to hear Alfie isn’t feeling too good at present. I do hope he is feeling better soon. You look after him and tell him I send lots of hugs and Sammi sends lots of licks. xxxxxx

  2. Rooo Wilma I’m so sorry to hear my buddy Alfie is feeling so poorly. It must be real hard for the whole family pack to see him like that, and for him to feel so confused. Sending lots of wags and woofs to cheer him up *wagging tail*

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