Monday 16th October 2017 – Walking for Heidi

Oh Shadow and I had such a lovely time yesterday. We did part of our walk for Heidi by parking at the Park and Ride on the outskirts of York and walking into York and back. I really like that walk as we get to see so many different dogs and people of course. Today we met the most beautiful St Bernard which was rather special. I had a chat with a cow in the field too. Mum hates it when I try being nose to nose with the cows but it’s just one of those things I feel the need to do. Mind you, I said the same when I wanted to chase the geese as well. Mum wasn’t thrilled about that idea as they were in the middle of the river and I was on a lead attached to her. The river was really high and coming over the

bank in places, which meant I wanted to paddle and Mum didn’t. Shadow is past all that, or at least that’s what she says. I think she just doesn’t like getting her paws wet. When we got to York we all had ice creams at Mum’s favourite kiosk. It’s her favourite because they sell really nice ice cream rather than the kiosk itself being exciting. Then we walked back again. Shadow was a bit tired, but I was still happily skipping by the time we got back to the car.

Alfie has been sponsored by Eileen Morley to go out again next weekend and walk a mile for Heidi. Thank you, Eileen. He says he’s still looking for more sponsors if anyone else would like to sponsor him.

On a completely different subject I’ve been looking to see if I can find a new Christmas jumper for this year. Most of the ones that they make are for small dogs and just don’t come in my size. The one I’ve got only just fits around my arms it could do with being a bit bigger. Does anyone know of any really good ones I could look at? I’d really like a Santa outfit too or maybe an Elf. I want to be Santa’s little helper when he gives out presents to the children in the village.

Happy Monday


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