What a lovely day it was yesterday. There I was bemoaning having to go to the vet, and when I came back I’d had a lovely email saying that my diary was being listed as one of the top ten Pet Blogs in the UK. How cool is that? Of course, I’ve been working on my acceptance speech ever since and will not be letting the fame go to my head. Aristotle on the other paw is now claiming it is all down to his involvement and that I couldn’t have done it without him. Is it his name on the masthead? Is this Aristotle’s Diary? No, I don’t think it is. Anyway, I suppose I can be magnanimous enough to share my moment of glory with both him and Wilma and even a bit of reflected glory with Shadow.
The reason were so excited is because these

are not just any old awards. Some blog awards are more of a ‘Oo we like this one’ sort of thing, or ones that you need to get your friends to vote for. This one from www.Vuelio.com is a bit more special as it actually takes into account how many people read and follow the blog, so really the award goes to all of you who we’ve grown to know and love over the years and that’s a bit special. If you’d like to have a look at the other nine that are listed you can find them HERE. Wilma had a look through and had an idea. She wondered if any of the other dogs who are listed would like to meet her for a bit of a celebration. To be honest I think she likes the look of the Newfoundland Dog, Monty. She’s always had a bit of a thing for bigger dogs.
Don’t forget we’re still raising money for Heidi, the dog in rescue who has Ectopic Ureter and needs another operation to give her the chance of a normal, pain free life. You can put your paw in your pocket to sponsor me going out again at the weekend by marking your donations as for Alfie https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/walkforheidi
The latest update on the progress of the walk is http://entlebucher.co.uk/club/news/
Have a great Thursday
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Well done Alfie. As I said on Facebook yours is top for me. Never miss reading it. Hope all went well at the vet. xxxxx
Thank you. We love having you here too.
Great news Alfie. I have had a look at the others and yours is the best for me. Sorry I am so late in writing. I have had a busy day. Love Dickens X
Thank you, Dickens. I really appreciate that.