I know I wanted a day off but I had to write today’s diary to tell you I did it. Yesterday I went out and walked a mile and a quarter for Heidi. Now, given it’s a long time since I enjoyed going for walks as they got too stressful for me, I had a lovely time. It was sunny and warm and there was no one else around. Just me, Shadow and our Master and Mistress. Having Shadow there was a real help as it made me feel much more relaxed. What was funny was that I was walking faster than our Mistress could. Now if there is someone else willing to put up another £10 for Heidi, I’m prepared to do it all again next weekend. When you make your donation put that it’s for Alfie and I’ll take up the challenge. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/walkforheidi
Shadow then went and carried on to do another three miles, but our Mistress and I had to come home. Shadow was going to do another mile but we seem to have broken her! She’s going to want a bit of a break from long walks for a few days at least.
You can read the whole walk update HERE
In the afternoon Wilma and Aristotle came home and you should have heard the noise. To be fair, most of the noise was probably me but that’s not the point. It’s going to take us a few days to all settle down together again and get back into a routine. Our Mistress is hoping to have enough energy to take all the other three for a walk today which will help everyone’s sanity, although I strongly suspect Shadow may say she’d like a day or two off. Wilma was so pleased to see our Mistress. She went straight up and wrapped her paws from our Mistress and gave her the biggest kiss. Then she went and did exactly the same to our Master. She certainly knows how to show her affection to the people she loves.
Happy Monday
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Well done Alfie. xxxxx
thank you