Thursday 5th October 2017 – When you finally relax

Yesterday I realised that as nothing much was going to happen I may as well have a jolly good sleep. It’s funny, it’s only when you eventually let all the tension out and truly relax that you realise just how tired you are. Despite Armadillo having got out of my bed, I still left it empty in case he wanted it and stretched out on the floor. Some days a rug is all it takes to get comfortable. I’m also now understanding a little more of Wilma’s complaint that our Mistress was keeping her awake at night, now that’s it’s my turn to stay by her side at night. I guess it can’t be helped but she really could try to learn to cough more quietly.

This evening our Mistress is supposed to be helping with a ‘Ladies Night’ in the village. However, there’s just one small problem, she is not well enough still. Instead it’s our Master to the rescue to take her place. He has offered to either run the bar or be a model and for obvious reasons he is being put behind the bar! He is in our Mistress’s words ‘incorrigible’, which to be honest is a word a dog doesn’t need to use all that often. But then, given he’s going to miss out this year as there is no village pantomime I think he may be looking for ways to make up for it.

Aristotle is going to be insufferable. For her new book, our Mistress has a book launch at Waterstone’s bookshop in York. The shop has set up an events page on its Facebook page to give the details and the picture of our Mistress they have used has Aristotle on it as well. Now he’s going to want to go to the event to meet his public and somehow I think he might slightly get in the way.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE