Thursday 28th September 2017 – Stealing my thunder

Now, I know I have largely retired from politics, but I’m not happy. My girlfriend, Bella has received a leaflet from her local Conservatives asking people to look at things from the point of view of dogs. It’s not particularly them sending a leaflet that has annoyed me, so much as that they have thought of something I missed when writing my Pet Dogs Democratic Party Manifesto.

In their leaflet they are encouraging people to look at noise from a dog’s perspective and instead of complaining about dogs barking to think about the amount of noise the humans are making, given a dog’s hearing is four times more powerful than that of a human, we hear the hubbub of their lives way more than the other way around.

This could also help to explain why yesterday Wilma went quite so crazy when a package was delivered. I’m guessing there was some noise created by the delivery guy that she wasn’t too keep on as she went into a very defensive position. Thankfully, I’m going a little deaf in my old age and so don’t bother with that sort of thing. Mind you on my off days I can bark for no reason whatsoever as far as the humans are concerned.

On a separate note, Wilma has a difficult decision to make. Does she prefer rucksack (a) or rucksack (b)? She is leaning to the brightly coloured one, rather than the camouflage, but it doesn’t fit quite so much in. Quite honestly, I’ve always found it hard to understand why girls need to carry so much in the first place. Once you’ve got a few treats and a bit of water you’re good to go. She’s thinking of seeing if Shadow might like to try one rather than keeping them both for herself.


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