Please will you sponsor us as we raise money for Heidi? A week on Saturday, as part of a walk that lots of Entlebuchers will be doing across the country, Shadow and I will each be walking ten miles for Heidi. It’s going to be harder for Shadow than for me, but she’s sure she can make it. I should probably be more concerned if Mum and Dad are fit enough to go with us. Anyway, what’s happening is all the legs that each dog walks will be put together on a map, so you can see our progress walking the equivalent of Entlebuch in Switzerland, to the Swiss Embassy in London. Then on Wednesday 25th October I’m going to be going to London for a final leg of the walk to the Embassy itself. Yes, me! I’m going to the Swiss Embassy. How cool is that? Shadow isn’t going on that part, just me and Mum and few others to represent the breed.
If you could possibly spare a little to sponsor us then please can you make payments through the fund raising link on Heidi’s page HERE and put as the reference Wilma’s Walk (or Shadow’s walk of course). Then we can add it all up and see how much everyone can raise toward helping Heidi to get better. I know I’ve told you about Heidi before, she has ectopic ureter and is still unwell. We’re hoping if we can have a really big push at fundraising for her we might be able to do something to make her better before it’s too late. Please help us and if you can get your friends to help too that would be great. Shadow wants to try very hard as Heidi is her granddaughter and she’s really worried about her.
Have a lovely week
Thank you
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE