I’m at that age where you take each day as it comes. Some are good ones and others are not what they might be. Our Mistress has consoled herself until now with a couple of important facts. The average life expectancy of our breed is 11 to 13 years and I could therefore have a long time left with her. She has also known dogs live to be a lot older, even up to about 17. She has also pointed out that one in the UK lived until he was 12 years and 8 months old, so I’m not the oldest boy there has been yet. However, to add to my gloomy thoughts she has realised she was wrong. The one in before me was 11 years and 8 months, which is quite fundamentally different. Particularly when you realise I passed that two months ago! It turns out Queenie, who is two months older than I am, and I are now the longest lived Entlebuchers there have been in the UK so far. Now I’m looking at that as a positive. I’ve got this far, there’s no reason I can’t go on a lot longer. Our Mistress on the other paw now wants to wrap me up in cotton wool and protect me from any further signs of aging. Whilst of course I’m glad she feels like that I would rather she just let me get on with things. I’ve no plans to disappear off just yet so she really should stop worrying. I may just play on her concerns a tiny bit in order to secure more portions of steak, but you wouldn’t expect anything less of me!

On a much brighter note, I take my hat off to one of my friends who got her head stuck in a Bonio box the other day. It’s every dog’s dream to get their head into the Bonio box, but I’d never really thought about the possibility of getting stuck. I can only wonder if she’d eaten the contents of the box first!
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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE