A very happy birthday to Aristotle, Arnie, Addie, Dora, Amigo, Rafa and Soggeli. I can’t believe it’s been six years since Shadow had her first litter of puppies. There was Ari, the tiny little runt of the litter and look at him now. He weighed only 292g when he was born which is very small for an Entlebucher, but he was a fighter from the start and while all his brothers and sisters struggled to find a spare teat on the top layer he would wriggle his way underneath them all to get to the bottom ones. He had to have lots of help from our Mistress and was bottle fed with extras because she didn’t know if he was going to make it or not. That was when I bought her a sweatshirt with ‘The Aristotle Fan Club’ on it. I suppose there is little wonder that he got to stay living with us. He looked on our Mistress as being as much his mother as Shadow was and for that matter still does. It took a little while to persuade our Master that it was a good idea for him to stay, but we all got there in the end.
Now look at him, he’s a big strong strapping six year old and butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. Our Mistress says he’s a big soft teddy bear. He loves being cuddled, even more than I do, and that’s saying something. I know he and I don’t always get on these days, but that’s really more about me than him. He is laid back apart from winding me up, which I think he does as sport if I’m being honest.
Anyway, we hope all his brothers and sisters are having a good birthday too. I think Soggeli is in Switzerland for her birthday, which is kind of cool.
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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ari and all your brothers and sisters hope you have a lovely day and lots of special treats. Love Dickens and the gang X
Thank you. I’ve put a bid in for treats I’m just waiting to see.
Herzliche Glückwünsche aus der Schweiz vom Berner Oberland an das Siebnerrudel von Torfheide. Ja das war eine wirkliche Story….Shadow schwanger und in der Schweiz….was so ein Microchip für Umtriebe machen kann… Aber glückliches Ende kam und gesunde Welpen. Euch allen einen schönen Geburtstag. Die zeit mit Soggeli und ihrer Familie war sehr schön. Alles Liebe das Zwei- und Vierbeiner-Choriederrudel.
Thank you. Every year, Shadow tells me the story of what she had to go through for me to be born. I’m very happy it all worked out in the end.
Love to you all
Aristotle and family
A very Happy Birthday Aristotle and to your brothers and sisters. Lovely photos of you Ari. You are a handsome boy. You deserve to be spoilt today. Sammi sends you lots of licks. Have a lovely day. xxxxx
Thank you. The photo shoot was all down to you, so thank you.
Love Ari
Happy birthday Ari and to your brothers and sisters too.x
Thank you. X