Tuesday 12th September 2017 – Mine all mine

My naughty puppy today

Hello everyone, Alfie here. I was asked to try a different dog treat a couple of weeks ago of course I agreed. As it turns out that was a VERY good decision. Despite my arthritis in my hip it turns out I can stand up on two legs to beg for these. They are dried sprats and they smell and taste absolutely amazing. They are healthy snacks too which is always a bonus as then our Mistress is more prepared to let me have one when I ask. What’s really good is that she has said I can have the whole bucket all to myself now. Wilma did have one at the start, but when our Mistress saw just how much I like them she said that she would keep them just for me.

Aniforte, the company which sells ‘sprats for dogs’ also sell lots of other healthy things, including a spray for itchy skin that made me wonder if it would be good for our friend Salvo, who has allergy problems. They sell food too, and I was wondering if that would taste as good as these fish do. Thankfully, the fish come in a sealed container, which stops me being able to smell them the whole time as I’d only spend all day begging if I could. Our Mistress has had to put them out of Aristotle’s reach as he can use his front paws and nose to take off container lids and help himself. I really don’t want to have to share them with him or the others. These treats are mine and I’m rather hoping that our Mistress will get me some more when these run out. When you get to my age, things like this really do give you a little lift in the day.

I’m off to see if I can catch another sprat – you can find yours on their website under ‘Sprats for Dogs


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