Some days I have to take several naps while thinking what to tell you about and other days there are so many things that I just don’t know where to start. Wilma went to the vet to be neutered yesterday. It was funny how quiet it was without her. Our Mistress was a little bit stressed as well as being sad that it means Wilma definitely won’t have puppies, but that’s the way things go sometimes. Now the problem is going to be keeping Wilma quiet while she recovers. It’s going to be very hard for her to remember she can’t jump about as normal until she is fully recovered.
Aristotle spent the day feeling sorry for himself and wanting lots of cuddles from our Mistress. He was still pooing foam so I can only hope he’s learnt his lesson. My bed will never be the same again. In fact I’m now asking if it’s possibly to have a new one for my birthday in November. I’ve said it doesn’t need to be as big as my one at home as I really do prefer the smaller cosier size, even though it means curling right up. Now I have to wait to see.

What our Mistress did buy me was a cuddly armadillo. Now I know what you’re thinking, armadillos are not cuddly, but mine made by the same company as make Wilma’s Horsie, which is apparently a donkey, and is the same sort of material. I do quite like him and the position of resident armadillo was vacant in our household!
The other picture that our Mistress ordered has arrived, but this one was actually for our Master and is a picture of Shadow. I’ve got to wait to show you until he’s been able to hang it on the wall, but he’s very pleased with it.
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Hi Alfie, I love your Armadillo. It is nice to have a mate to sleep with. I still have my dog that I had at your house when I was a puppy. Please send best wishes to Wilma for a speedy – well a calm – recovery. She will soon be bouncing about again!
Hope Ari feels better soon too. Lots of love to you all Dickens XXXXXXX
I have still got the teddy you gave me, but Wilma seems to have ‘borrowed’ that. Wilma is on enforced calm, but she’s very slow recovering from the anaesthetic so she hasn’t started to bounce yet.